People think of Outback as a place for great steak. But it's so much more than that. Outback has many other delicious options --especially
seafood. For our Great Barrier Eats campaign, we showed people that Outback is more than just a great steak restaurant by taking
something intrinsically Outback and turning it on its head.
Role: Concept & Art Direction
Facebook Takeover
We’ll run polls for our fans asking them to vote for how we should rename ourselves over the course of the LTO.
Weekly winners will result in new profile pics and even revamped, limited time only graphics on
Rich Banner / 300x250
Let’s vote on it! Drag and drop different icons onto the Outback sign and pick your favorite name.
The votes will then be tallied on Facebook to decide the new name of Outback!
Instore Publicilty Stunt
Outback locations will receive magnets with “Mahi,” “Shrimp” and “Crab Legs” printed on them. The magnets can be
attached to the Outback sign in front of every location. Participating locations can temporarily change the name of their Outback
Steakhouse to Outback Shrimphouse or Outback Mahihouse, etc. There should be significant social media attention.